
Here's why
is the missing ingredient for trauma, grief and burn out recovery:

The stress from trauma, grief and burnout can increase your body’s allostatic load.

Allostatic load is the cumulative burden on your body and brain when they are constantly trying to adapt to stress. It’s like your body’s “wear and tear” from repeatedly being in a state of heightened alertness or stress.

If this load becomes too great, it can trigger protective responses like the cellular danger response (CDR).




Allostatic Load

CDR Activation




The CDR is like your body’s cellular and metabolic safety mode.

The CDR impacts numerous cellular functions which are ultimately fueled by nutrients, that temporarily changes how your cells work to keep you safe.

If the CDR is activated for long periods of time, especially without nutrition to support recovery, it can lead to a variety of neuropsychological changes and challenges that often accompany or preface chronic health conditions.

Chronic CDR Activation

Brain Region Volume

Oxidative Stress


Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability

Cholesterol Depletion


Nutrient Demand

Gut-Brain Axis Dysfunction

Cytokine Production

Cellular Apoptosis

HPA-Axis Dysfunction

Immune Function


Mitochondrial Dysfunction


Blood Sugar Metabolism Impairment

Synaptic Protein Density



Executive Function

Pain Intensity


Mood Swings



Sleep Disturbances

Because of the abnormally upregulated (fast-paced) activity in your cells resulting from the CDR, your brain and body will utilize more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and macronutrients than normal. This can have a number of neuropsychological consequences that might make it challenging to build consistent routines, stay focused, think clearly, and have the capacity to participate in other healing and recovery experiences like therapy, meditation, exercise and co-regulationwith your community.

This is where neuronutrition comes in.

Neuronutrition brings all of this together.





Neuronutrition is an interdisciplinary field that integrates theories, practices, and research from neuroscience (including behavioral, social, and nutritional neuroscience), nutrition science (specifically personalized and precision nutrition and nutrigenomics), and neuropsychology.

Neuronutrition examines how nutrients, dietary supplements, food additives, and the social and environmental contexts of eating influence neurochemistry, neurobiology, behavior, and cognition.

Neuronutrition emphasizes the bidirectional relationships between diet and brain function, exploring how what we eat affects our brain, and how our brain andbehavior, in turn, influence our dietary choices and relationship with food.

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