An entirely new way to care for your brain and body

Trauma and autoimmune disease can have a pervasive and ubiquitous impact on your mind, brain and body

When you experience trauma, your cells initiate a cellular danger response (CDR), which is a host of a universal and evolutionary-conserved metabolic response intended to ensure your safety and survival. Stress, especially when chronic or traumatic, can lead to chronic activation of the CDR, keeping your cells in a prolonged defensive state, preventing them from returning to normal functioning. Persistent activation of the CDR leads to chronic inflammation, a hallmark of autoimmune diseases. Continuous release of inflammatory mediators can cause the immune system to mistakenly attack healthy tissues, and result in autoimmune disease. As a result, you start:

Feeling tired, fatigued, foggy and sluggish to a degree you never have before

Noticing changes in your energy levels and exercise tolerance

Having trouble concentrating, focusing and accomplishing as much as you used to

Becoming frustrated and annoyed with how your body feels

Feeling always on-edge, anxious, nervous, and stressed about your health

Losing trust in yourself and your body’s ability to support you

Experiencing a sense of guilt, shame, fear, and self-blame for your health

I know what this feels like, because me and people I care about have experienced the exact same thing

I was born into an impoverished family riddled with chronic and autoimmune disease. My family was plagued by generational trauma, resulting in me being abused and neglected as a child. From a young age, I knew I wanted to do something to change my family’s health destiny. I knew I wanted to create something that would prevent others from experiencing what my family did. That’s exactly what I did, and Narrative Neuronutrition is the culmination of my work.

Before going any further, please know this: your health is not your fault

While it’s true that your individual choices and decisions do impact your health, the way your body feels and your health is not just the result of your choices and decisions. Your brain and body have responded in big ways to the things you’ve experienced to protect you and keep you safe. Unfortunately, many of us never learn what it will be like once our body has changed to keep us safe.

The conventional approach to trauma and autoimmune disease has failed

When you’ve experienced traumatic stress and developed an autoimmune disease, navigating the health care system shouldn't feel like you're a ball inside of a pinball machine or like you’re perpetually running on a hamster wheel.

You shouldn’t have to bounce from supplement-to-supplement, diet-to-diet or practitioner-to-practitioner without developing a true understanding of what your brain and body need to feel safe. You don’t have to keep doing that.

You shouldn't feel dismissed, discouraged, and unheard by the people who you’ve trusted to take care of you. You don’t have to continue feeling that way.

You shouldn't have to figure things out on your own or be given a list of things to do and be told "good luck!" on your way out the door. You don’t have to feel alone.

1 in 2

The number of people who will experience at least one traumatic event during their lifetime.


The number of people with an autoimmune disease who have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience


The higher chance of being hospitalized for certain autoimmune diseases if you’ve experienced adverse childhood experiences


The percentage of those with an autoimmune disease who are women.


The average number of years it takes to receive an autoimmune disease diagnosis.


The number of deaths in America that can be attributed to lifestyle and nutrition factors.


Narrative Neuronutrition seeks to understand all of who you are, not just parts of you

Narrative Neuronutrition integrates theories, concepts and practices from several emerging disciplines, giving it the power to help you reveal clues and find the answers that you haven’t been able to before.

Nutritional Neuroscience

Nutritional neuroscience is an emerging field that explores the intricate connections between your diet and sensory experiences with food on your brain, neurochemistry and nervous system.

Precision Nutrition

Nutritional neuroscience is an emerging field that explores the intricate connections between your diet and sensory experiences with food on your brain, neurochemistry and nervous system.



Narrative Medicine

Narrative medicine is a practice in the medical humanities that involves identifying and applying themes, patterns, concepts, cycles, and ideas from your story and narratives of your life experiences to your care.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care is a framework that acknowledges the impact of trauma on your mind, brain and body, and prioritizes safety, collaboration, choice, consent, and trust in the client-practitioner relationship and care experience.


Narrative Neuronutrition is based on these truths:

Your brain and body cannot heal in a malnourished state. Nutrition is necessary for your biological existence. The nutrients from food are required for virtually every vital cellular function that is responsible for keeping you alive and safe. That’s why ignoring your nutrition and focusing solely on a single medication or counseling to heal, grow and recover might not seem like it’s enough for you.

Your brain and body are unique. Your brain, body and health are uniquely shaped by your life experiences, events and exposures. Dozens of factors influence your biochemistry, thoughts, beliefs, and actions -- not just your individual choices and decisions. That’s why one-size-fits-all or cookie-cutter strategies and plans don’t always work

You need to feel safe in your body to heal. Trauma and autoimmunity can cause your cells and subsequently, your mind, to believe that your brain and body are in perpetual danger. That’s why shaming, guilting, discipling, and forcing yourself to comply with diets, plans and protocols don’t always work.

You deserve to know how to take care of yourself. Most of us never have the opportunity to learn how to understand, decode and apply the messages and information we receive from our body. That’s why we end up chronically dieting, blaming ourselves for our health and feeling frustrated with our body.

You can alter the trajectory of your health destiny. When you learn how to give your brain and body what they need to heal, grow and recover, you will be able to feel safe and connected with your body in ways you never have before. That’s why learning how to nourish yourself at the cellular level is a vital prerequisite to healing, growth and recovery.

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